Toftwood Garden Centre

Now Open Mon to Saturday 9-4pm & Friday 10-4pm

Products at Toftwood

We pride ourselves on our ability to sell the highest quality gardening products

Toftwood Garden Centre offers a wide array of gardening products and services. They provide an extensive selection of outdoor plants throughout the year, various composts including peat-free and multi-purpose, plants for home cultivation like vegetables and fruits, seasonal plants, and custom and ready-made planted hanging baskets and pots. Additionally, they offer solutions for pest and disease control to maintain garden health. Toftwood also provides a delivery service for purchases over £35, with free local delivery and charges for other areas. For more details, you can visit their website directly

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Can we help you with anything? Please Call : 07517 685767

Outdoor Plants


We have a large range of outdoor plants to choose from all the year round. They include Potted Trees, Shrubs, Evergreens, Perennials & Alpines, Roses, Grasses, Topiary, Bamboo, Hebes, Hedging, Climbers, Bedding Plants, Basket Plants, Bulbs/Tubers, Lavender, Mediterranean Plants,


A cheaper option between November and February.

Bare Roots
Grow our own plants


Vegetable Seeds and Plants, Tomato, Cucumber, Melon , Peppers, Courgette, Aubergine, Rhubarb, Fruit Bushes, Seed Potatoes, Garlic, Onions, Shallots, Herbs

Can we help you with anything? Please Call : 07517 685767


  • Spring & Summer Bedding Plants, Zonal & Ivy Geraniums, Fuchsias, Bedding Plants, Basket Plants, Ivies, Cyclamen, Sweet Peas, Potted Bulbs, Dahlia, Osteospermum,
  • Autumn & Winter Bedding Plants, Primroses & Polyanthus, Basket Plants, Ivies, Cyclamen ,Heathers, Chrysanthemum
520 X 320
Hanging Baskets


All seasons ready made Hanging Baskets. We also fill your own baskets or take orders for them


We have a variety of pest and disease solutions for your entire garden. Our team are happy to answer any questions or queries relating to these products.

Pet control

Can we help you with anything? Please Call : 07517 685767

Outdoor Pots 2


Our outdoor pot range is from various suppliers allowing for a range to suit all needs. Frost Proof. Includes Ceramic, Terracotta, Fibre Clay and Plastic.


We are helping to bring the joy of gardening indoors. Our dedicated houseplant area offers a range of plants suitable for any home. We also offer potting mixes suitable for all houseplants as well as feeds and indoor pots.

Toftwood 2
Tools 2


We stock a range of Wilkinsons tools of good quality. Our team is always on hand to ask any questions for what the right tool for the job is.

Can we help you with anything? Please Call : 07517 685767


Stockists of Flo-Gas Butane, Propane, Leisure, Gaslight. Exchanges and new customers welcome.

Composts 2


A large range of Clover composts available including Multi Purpose Compost, Peat Free Compost, John Innes Compost, Farmyard Manure, Top Soil, Soil Conditioner, Bark, Growbags, Ericaceous Compost, Irish Peat, Seed & Cutting, Rose,Tree & Shrub Compost


Fertilisers, Chemicals, Vermiculite, Perlite, Rooting Powder, Grass Seed, Watering Cans, Tree Stakes and Ties, Canes, Fleece, Bubble insulation, Weed Membrane, insect netting, Shade Netting, Garden Labels, Trellis,

Garden sundreis 2

Can we help you with anything? Please Call : 07517 685767

Toftwood Gardening Centre


February 10, 2025

What’s available this week at Toftwood garden centre

What’s available this week at Toftwood garden centre  To start we have recently fully restocked our shrubs & evergreens fully ready for the spring ahead. A key foundations of your

January 10, 2025

Brand New Bareroot Trees & Hedging Plants

Brand New Bareroot Trees & Hedging Plants The last batch of bareroot & Very limited time only 2 weeks these will be available and I they are very cheap trees

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